
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
#23-0618: Ways of His Father
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday Jun 11, 2023
#23-0611: I Have Had Enough
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
#23-0604: Provoking
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday May 28, 2023
#23-0528: Ancestors & Descendants
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday May 21, 2023
#23-0521: The Kingdom
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday May 14, 2023
#23-0514: Turn
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday May 07, 2023
#23-0507: Forever & If
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
#23-0430: What Should I Give You?
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday Apr 23, 2023
#23-0423: The Heart
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
SERIES/ In the Lord's Sight SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Yahweh wanted to be King of His people and make a place for them. They rejected Him, and He warned them. He gave them what they wanted, and they became enslaved like everyone else. In 1 & 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles, people are faced with choices. Would they continue to reject the Lord and create their own high places of worship, or return to the Lord and His rightful place of worship? Would they do what was right IN THE LORD'S SIGHT as written in His word, or what was evil IN THE LORD'S SIGHT that seemed to work in the world? We face the same choices today...IN THE LORD'S SIGHT. #1kings #2kings #2chronicles

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
#23-0416: Aware
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
SERIES/ Spring Training SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/“No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the fruit of peace and righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11). Baseball players head south every year to connect with their team to work on personal and game disciplines for the season ahead. As believers, this life has a series of SPRING TRAININGS and seasons that prepare us for an eternal crown. As we gather to be better in prayer, evangelism, and studying, we invite you to our SPRING TRAINING. #2023 #topical

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
#23-0326: So Remember Your Creator
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Mar 19, 2023
#23-0319: You Don’t Know, So Delight in the Lord
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
#23-0312: Wise or Fool
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Mar 05, 2023
#23-0305: Take it to Heart and Explain It
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
#23-0226: Who Knows?
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Feb 19, 2023
#23-0219: The One Who Fears God Will…
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
Sunday Feb 19, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Feb 12, 2023
#23-0212: A Name
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
#23-0205: The Joy of His Heart
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Jan 29, 2023
#23-0129: I Saw...
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
#23-0122: Time To...
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
#23-0115: I Hated Life
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Jan 08, 2023
#23-0108: Everything Is Futile
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
SERIES/ Ecclesiastes: When All Has Been Heard… SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/Life is absolutely pointless, miserable, and nothing matters. It’s the same ole, same ole. Do I just live in the now with little hope or future? Do I sacrifice for an earthly legacy that will be squandered and forgotten? The wealthiest and wisest King of Israel wrestled with these very thoughts in Ecclesiastes. Will we arrive at his conclusion, WHEN ALL HAS BEEN HEARD…? #ecclesiastes

Sunday Jan 01, 2023

Sunday Dec 11, 2022
#22-1211: Quickly
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
SERIES/ Revelation: Blessed SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/ We are headed for an apocalypse. Science and religion both agree. So in the midst of what seems to be cursed, and all the voices claiming to have the answers, how do we find and know what is really BLESSED? God has John write the book of Revelation to answer the question of “BLESSED?” #2022 #revelation

Sunday Dec 04, 2022
#22-1204: Everything New
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
SERIES/ Revelation: Blessed SPEAKER/ Mat Shockney SUMMARY/ We are headed for an apocalypse. Science and religion both agree. So in the midst of what seems to be cursed, and all the voices claiming to have the answers, how do we find and know what is really BLESSED? God has John write the book of Revelation to answer the question of “BLESSED?” #2022 #revelation