
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
#14-0420: Thinking in Reverse
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
SERIES: Thinking in Reverse. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: God has established a way of doing things from the very beginning. Often times our understanding is at odds with what He has established. The early church struggled with how to interpret Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. They came up with new holy days like Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Pentecost rather than celebrating the Old Testament feasts that Jesus fulfilled. When things don’t fit your understanding do you try to bend the situation to your thinking, or allow God to shape your THINKING IN REVERSE? #2014 #topical

Sunday Apr 13, 2014
#14-0413: What's Your Nationality?
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Apr 06, 2014
#14-0406: Don't Forget
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Mar 30, 2014
#14-0330: I Set You Free to Surrender
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Mar 23, 2014
#14-0323: GO Through It, I AM With You
Sunday Mar 23, 2014
Sunday Mar 23, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Mar 16, 2014
#14-0316: How Do You Like Your Yoke?
Sunday Mar 16, 2014
Sunday Mar 16, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Mar 09, 2014
#14-0309: Righteous Dude!
Sunday Mar 09, 2014
Sunday Mar 09, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Feb 23, 2014
#14-0223: Crackpots
Sunday Feb 23, 2014
Sunday Feb 23, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Feb 16, 2014
#14-0216: Hard Truths, Truth Hope
Sunday Feb 16, 2014
Sunday Feb 16, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Feb 09, 2014
#14-0209: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
Sunday Feb 09, 2014
Sunday Feb 09, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Feb 02, 2014
#14-0202: It's Coming, Are You Ready?
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Jan 26, 2014
#14-0126: Where Is the Lord
Sunday Jan 26, 2014
Sunday Jan 26, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Jan 19, 2014
#14-0119: Let Me Tell You Something
Sunday Jan 19, 2014
Sunday Jan 19, 2014
SERIES: Jeremiah. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: JEREMIAH was regarded as a doomsday prophet, his mission to herald hope in the midst of heartache and hardship. He was considered a traitor, and his message rejected. But, that message stands for us today and our choices are the same: fight, flight, or forfeit. Will we wave the white flag and surrender to God’s authority, confront His will or abandon Him altogether? #2014 #jeremiah

Sunday Jan 12, 2014

Sunday Dec 22, 2013
#13-1222: It Doesn't Matter What You Believe
Sunday Dec 22, 2013
Sunday Dec 22, 2013
SERIES: Limited Mart: Lies, Traps and Death...serving customers since the fall. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: 79 cent convenience truths. We all want them. We drink up whats best for the moment, but find that convenience comes with a bad aftertaste. Over the next few weeks, we'll carefully unwrap several convenience truths--the lies we are willing to swallow that taste a little like truth. Come to the LTD MART to see what it means to live an inconvenient life. #2013 #topical

Sunday Dec 15, 2013
#13-1215: I Don't Have Time
Sunday Dec 15, 2013
Sunday Dec 15, 2013
SERIES: Limited Mart: Lies, Traps and Death...serving customers since the fall. SPEAKER: Trevor Kirtman. SUMMARY: 79 cent convenience truths. We all want them. We drink up whats best for the moment, but find that convenience comes with a bad aftertaste. Over the next few weeks, we'll carefully unwrap several convenience truths--the lies we are willing to swallow that taste a little like truth. Come to the LTD MART to see what it means to live an inconvenient life. #2013 #topical

Sunday Dec 08, 2013
#13-1208: What to Say?
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
SERIES: Limited Mart: Lies, Traps and Death...serving customers since the fall. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: 79 cent convenience truths. We all want them. We drink up whats best for the moment, but find that convenience comes with a bad aftertaste. Over the next few weeks, we'll carefully unwrap several convenience truths--the lies we are willing to swallow that taste a little like truth. Come to the LTD MART to see what it means to live an inconvenient life. #2013 #topical

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
#13-1201: What's the Problem?
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
SERIES: Limited Mart: Lies, Traps and Death...serving customers since the fall. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: 79 cent convenience truths. We all want them. We drink up whats best for the moment, but find that convenience comes with a bad aftertaste. Over the next few weeks, we'll carefully unwrap several convenience truths--the lies we are willing to swallow that taste a little like truth. Come to the LTD MART to see what it means to live an inconvenient life. #2013 #topical

Sunday Nov 17, 2013
#13-1117: Inconvenient Truths
Sunday Nov 17, 2013
Sunday Nov 17, 2013
SERIES: Limited Mart: Lies, Traps and Death...serving customers since the fall. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: 79 cent convenience truths. We all want them. We drink up whats best for the moment, but find that convenience comes with a bad aftertaste. Over the next few weeks, we'll carefully unwrap several convenience truths--the lies we are willing to swallow that taste a little like truth. Come to the LTD MART to see what it means to live an inconvenient life. #2013 #topical

Sunday Nov 10, 2013
#13-1110: Judgement Calls
Sunday Nov 10, 2013
Sunday Nov 10, 2013
SERIES: Limited Mart: Lies, Traps and Death...serving customers since the fall. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: 79 cent convenience truths. We all want them. We drink up whats best for the moment, but find that convenience comes with a bad aftertaste. Over the next few weeks, we'll carefully unwrap several convenience truths--the lies we are willing to swallow that taste a little like truth. Come to the LTD MART to see what it means to live an inconvenient life. #2013 #topical

Sunday Nov 03, 2013
#13-1103: Training
Sunday Nov 03, 2013
Sunday Nov 03, 2013
SERIES: Temp Job: 1 Peter. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Everybody’s talking about jobs. Will I be able to find a job after I graduate? Will it be essential or non-essential work? Will I happen upon a career or only a TEMP JOB? The book of 1 Peter reminds us that all of life, everything we see around us is temporary, our lives kind of a TEMP JOB. We’ve got a certain amount of time that we are here, and then we’re gone. Nothing lasts forever, so invest your time wisely and make the most of your TEMP JOB. #2013 #1peter

Sunday Oct 27, 2013
#13-1027: Do Good
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
SERIES: Temp Job: 1 Peter. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Everybody’s talking about jobs. Will I be able to find a job after I graduate? Will it be essential or non-essential work? Will I happen upon a career or only a TEMP JOB? The book of 1 Peter reminds us that all of life, everything we see around us is temporary, our lives kind of a TEMP JOB. We’ve got a certain amount of time that we are here, and then we’re gone. Nothing lasts forever, so invest your time wisely and make the most of your TEMP JOB. #2013 #1peter

Sunday Oct 20, 2013
#13-1020: Bosses
Sunday Oct 20, 2013
Sunday Oct 20, 2013
SERIES: Temp Job: 1 Peter. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Everybody’s talking about jobs. Will I be able to find a job after I graduate? Will it be essential or non-essential work? Will I happen upon a career or only a TEMP JOB? The book of 1 Peter reminds us that all of life, everything we see around us is temporary, our lives kind of a TEMP JOB. We’ve got a certain amount of time that we are here, and then we’re gone. Nothing lasts forever, so invest your time wisely and make the most of your TEMP JOB. #2013 #1peter

Sunday Oct 13, 2013
#13-1013: Requirements
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
SERIES: Temp Job: 1 Peter. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Everybody’s talking about jobs. Will I be able to find a job after I graduate? Will it be essential or non-essential work? Will I happen upon a career or only a TEMP JOB? The book of 1 Peter reminds us that all of life, everything we see around us is temporary, our lives kind of a TEMP JOB. We’ve got a certain amount of time that we are here, and then we’re gone. Nothing lasts forever, so invest your time wisely and make the most of your TEMP JOB. #2013 #1peter

Sunday Oct 06, 2013
#13-1006: Hard Work
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
Sunday Oct 06, 2013
SERIES: Temp Job: 1 Peter. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Everybody’s talking about jobs. Will I be able to find a job after I graduate? Will it be essential or non-essential work? Will I happen upon a career or only a TEMP JOB? The book of 1 Peter reminds us that all of life, everything we see around us is temporary, our lives kind of a TEMP JOB. We’ve got a certain amount of time that we are here, and then we’re gone. Nothing lasts forever, so invest your time wisely and make the most of your TEMP JOB. #2013 #1peter