
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
#11-0828: Perspective: God Is
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
SERIES: True/False. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: True or false. Does life ever feel like a T/F test to you: mostly T/F, half T/F, partial T/F, or not T/F? Is the best we can hope for a 50/50 chance? If I get the answers to life wrong, do I fail or is there a curve? John’s 2nd and 3rd letters help us get a T/F outlook on perspective, people, prosperity, and provision. #2011 #2john #3john

Sunday Aug 21, 2011
#11-0821: Confession
Sunday Aug 21, 2011
Sunday Aug 21, 2011
SERIES: Ezra: Rebuilding After Ruin. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Is life just a series of ruin and rebuilding? How do I rebuild when my life is in ruins? Is rebuilding even possible for my life, my family, the country, the world? Dig into a six week study from the book of Ezra to see how God is always rebuilding after ruin. #2011 #ezra

Sunday Aug 14, 2011
#11-0814: Conviction
Sunday Aug 14, 2011
Sunday Aug 14, 2011
SERIES: Ezra: Rebuilding After Ruin. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Is life just a series of ruin and rebuilding? How do I rebuild when my life is in ruins? Is rebuilding even possible for my life, my family, the country, the world? Dig into a six week study from the book of Ezra to see how God is always rebuilding after ruin. #2011 #ezra

Sunday Aug 07, 2011
#11-0807: Continuation
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
SERIES: Ezra: Rebuilding After Ruin. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Is life just a series of ruin and rebuilding? How do I rebuild when my life is in ruins? Is rebuilding even possible for my life, my family, the country, the world? Dig into a six week study from the book of Ezra to see how God is always rebuilding after ruin. #2011 #ezra

Sunday Jul 31, 2011
#11-0731: Confrontation
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
SERIES: Ezra: Rebuilding After Ruin. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Is life just a series of ruin and rebuilding? How do I rebuild when my life is in ruins? Is rebuilding even possible for my life, my family, the country, the world? Dig into a six week study from the book of Ezra to see how God is always rebuilding after ruin. #2011 #ezra

Sunday Jul 24, 2011
#11-0724: Confirmation
Sunday Jul 24, 2011
Sunday Jul 24, 2011
SERIES: Ezra: Rebuilding After Ruin. SPEAKER: Trevor Kirtman. SUMMARY: Is life just a series of ruin and rebuilding? How do I rebuild when my life is in ruins? Is rebuilding even possible for my life, my family, the country, the world? Dig into a six week study from the book of Ezra to see how God is always rebuilding after ruin. #2011 #ezra

Sunday Jul 17, 2011
#11-0717: Causation
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
Sunday Jul 17, 2011
SERIES: Ezra: Rebuilding After Ruin. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Is life just a series of ruin and rebuilding? How do I rebuild when my life is in ruins? Is rebuilding even possible for my life, my family, the country, the world? Dig into a six week study from the book of Ezra to see how God is always rebuilding after ruin. #2011 #ezra

Sunday Jul 10, 2011

Sunday Jul 03, 2011

Sunday Jun 26, 2011

Sunday Jun 19, 2011

Sunday Jun 12, 2011

Sunday Jun 05, 2011

Sunday May 29, 2011

Sunday May 22, 2011

Sunday May 08, 2011
#11-0508: A Woman Who Fears the Lord
Sunday May 08, 2011
Sunday May 08, 2011
SERIES: None. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney.

Sunday May 01, 2011
#11-0501: A New Hope
Sunday May 01, 2011
Sunday May 01, 2011
SERIES: OB1. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mysterious hermit in exile. Obadiah, the unassociated prophet of whom little is known. Both OB’s short-spoken, yet with timely wisdom for those embattled in destiny. One man, one chapter, one message, one God...OB1. #2011 #obadiah

Sunday Apr 17, 2011
#11-0417: The Empire Strikes Back
Sunday Apr 17, 2011
Sunday Apr 17, 2011
SERIES: OB1. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mysterious hermit in exile. Obadiah, the unassociated prophet of whom little is known. Both OB’s short-spoken, yet with timely wisdom for those embattled in destiny. One man, one chapter, one message, one God...OB1. #2011 #obadiah

Sunday Apr 10, 2011
#11-0410: The Edom Menace
Sunday Apr 10, 2011
Sunday Apr 10, 2011
SERIES: OB1. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mysterious hermit in exile. Obadiah, the unassociated prophet of whom little is known. Both OB’s short-spoken, yet with timely wisdom for those embattled in destiny. One man, one chapter, one message, one God...OB1. #2011 #obadiah

Sunday Apr 03, 2011
#11-0403: Give Up... Give In
Sunday Apr 03, 2011
Sunday Apr 03, 2011
SERIES: None. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney.

Sunday Mar 20, 2011
#11-0320: BeachReach 2011: Pray For
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
Sunday Mar 20, 2011
SERIES: None. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney.

Sunday Mar 13, 2011
#11-0313: Soldier and Enemy
Sunday Mar 13, 2011
Sunday Mar 13, 2011
SERIES: Relationships…users, pushers, givers, followers. SPEAKER: Jason Snyder. SUMMARY: Let's be honest, sometimes we tend to use and be used, push and be pushed, give and be given to, follow and be followed. How do we determine when we should do each of these things in our relationships? Find answers from the book of Ephesians. #2011 #ephesians

Sunday Mar 06, 2011
#11-0306: Owner and Laborer
Sunday Mar 06, 2011
Sunday Mar 06, 2011
SERIES: Relationships…users, pushers, givers, followers. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Let's be honest, sometimes we tend to use and be used, push and be pushed, give and be given to, follow and be followed. How do we determine when we should do each of these things in our relationships? Find answers from the book of Ephesians. #2011 #ephesians

Sunday Feb 27, 2011
#11-0227: Parent and Child
Sunday Feb 27, 2011
Sunday Feb 27, 2011
SERIES: Relationships…users, pushers, givers, followers. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Let's be honest, sometimes we tend to use and be used, push and be pushed, give and be given to, follow and be followed. How do we determine when we should do each of these things in our relationships? Find answers from the book of Ephesians. #2011 #ephesians

Sunday Feb 20, 2011
#11-0220: Husband and Wife
Sunday Feb 20, 2011
Sunday Feb 20, 2011
SERIES: Relationships…users, pushers, givers, followers. SPEAKER: Mat Shockney. SUMMARY: Let's be honest, sometimes we tend to use and be used, push and be pushed, give and be given to, follow and be followed. How do we determine when we should do each of these things in our relationships? Find answers from the book of Ephesians. #2011 #ephesians